

New member

German expat in Indonesia

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Registration: 02 April 2017


Schamell replied to a thread
5 years ago

Got Indian driving license, how to legally drive in KL by bharadwajc

Hello Friends, I have a driving license from India. And wanted to know how can I legally be driving or riding here. Can anyone advise. It would be great if you share some detailed or brief idea about it, whatever possible. Thanks!


Hello I see currently so many post on different sides that no driver license can be converted in Malaysia, the original driver license from your home country can only be used 3 Month and an international driver license issued by your country can be ... Read More

Schamell replied to a thread
6 years ago

why is it so difficult to get a "live in" Maid? by Schamell

Hello We're now since 2 years in Jakarta and we were lucky to have a really good live in Maid. She was great with our son, spoke English well and was willing to learn cooking. Now she is getting married and left us. Since 2 Month we're ...


Thanks for that advice. I made as well the experience that it is hard to keep good staff here. It was by far easier when I lived in China. It seems that the people here are leaving quite frequently. My friends are telling me the same. Read More

Schamell replied to a thread
6 years ago

why is it so difficult to get a "live in" Maid? by Schamell

Hello We're now since 2 years in Jakarta and we were lucky to have a really good live in Maid. She was great with our son, spoke English well and was willing to learn cooking. Now she is getting married and left us. Since 2 Month we're ...


Hello Hapsari Can you please send your CV to my mailbox? Read More

Schamell created a thread
6 years ago

why is it so difficult to get a "live in" Maid?

Hello We're now since 2 years in Jakarta and we were lucky to have a really good live in Maid. She was great with our son, spoke English well and was willing to learn cooking. Now she is getting married and left us. Since 2 Month we're ... Read More