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Puerto Rican expat in Serbia


3 posts

About me

Puerto Rican

Lives in Belgrade

Registration: 08 January 2011


AngieBg replied to a thread
12 years ago

Healthcare in Serbia by Julien

Hi, how does the healthcare system work in Serbia ? Is it efficient ? What are the main differences between public and private sectors? Is it recommended to purchase private health insurance in Serbia? Thanks in advance for sharing your ...


Hi and welcome to Serbia! As I wrote in my previous post, I truly could recommend Delta Generali Insurance. They were very professional and not that expensive as I could imagine. Address: Milentija Popovica 7b, New Belgrade. Call center:.. Read More

AngieBg replied to a thread
12 years ago

Healthcare in Serbia by Julien

Hi, how does the healthcare system work in Serbia ? Is it efficient ? What are the main differences between public and private sectors? Is it recommended to purchase private health insurance in Serbia? Thanks in advance for sharing your ...


Hi Julien, According to my experience the health care system is efficient in general. Both, the private and the public institution have a few problems but again, it's not as bad as people think. The biggest problem, for us, was the health ... Read More

AngieBg replied to a thread
13 years ago
Tunisian student

english master in marketing in serbia by Tunisian student

Please I woud like to finish my studies in Serbia. Can you suggest me some names of universities wich learn Marketing (Master) wich do courses in english. Thanks


Try English School of Business - I know they have marketing program. Read More