@Julia nagy
Egyptian citizen
2 posts
About me
Registration: 01 May 2017
Playing basketball in Cairo by elhector
Hello! Does anybody know where to play basketball in Cairo? I would like to play some ball from time to time, but I don't know any place, nor who could I play with. I live close to CityStars, Heliopolis. Thank so much for your help!
Guys please a quick answer. Read More
Playing basketball in Cairo by elhector
Hello! Does anybody know where to play basketball in Cairo? I would like to play some ball from time to time, but I don't know any place, nor who could I play with. I live close to CityStars, Heliopolis. Thank so much for your help!
I am a girl about 17 years old and i want so much to learn to play basketball.. I heard that i must be younger to learn .. But i wanna find a place where i can start playing basketball. If anyone has an information please reply.. Read More