@Tongue in Cheek
Forum posts
About me
Lives in france
Registration: 08 December 2005

What is the real reason to be an expat and being proud of it? by awa@lecce
Good morning, After answering to the questions "why did you start to travel" or "what was your motivation" by "I answered to a job announcement", I realised that we are all PROUD TO BE AN EXPAT. :D After all, that's why this website has been ...

The ability to change and say Yes to love! Read More

Your favorite traditional dishes from where you are by Julien
Hello, It' almost lunchtime here in Spain and I'm thinking what I'll have tonight ... There are plenty of traditional dishes, here are my favorites: > Jamon (Ham) -> the best of the best dish in Madrid. The "Jamon Iberico" is a more expensive but ...

Kiss the French Cook what is not good about French cuisine? Trading in my bite of hamburger, with fries and chocolate malt years ago for Baguette, cheese and wine. They have a cheese for everyday of the year! and a pastries too! The aroma of lunch ... Read More

What makes Paris the most visited city in the world? by Julien
Hi, Paris is -I think- the most visited city in the world... What makes it so beautiful? Is it "la butte de Montmarte", "Notre Dame", "Le louvre", "les Champs Elysées", "le parc du Luxembourg"? Is it the romance aspect of the city that made it ...

Paris people flock here because it is so oh la la- and everyone knows that if you walk any street of Paris while carrying a baguette under your arm you are instantly part of the chic scene! Everyone fits in Paris. Read More