I do stuff like this: http://presseroo.buycelergen.com/ And this: https://astrologyblog.wordpress.com/
I joined expat.com on 22 May 2017.
Just stayed there for a few winters, i am a global citizen otherwise, or maybe a gypsy or IT nomad or so....
They speak my language, one can find everything in a city like Berlin - but for all else i was to often reminded that it was this city at which some people figured it's a great idea to build entire towns for no other purpose than to mass kill anyone they did not like back than!! One shall never forget that poison in that society!!
- but for all else i was to often reminded that it was this city at which some people figured it's a great idea to build entire towns for no other purpose than to mass kill anyone they did not like back than!! One shall never forget that poison in that society!!