


Australian looking for information about India

Forum posts


About me


Lives in New Delhi, National Capital Te

Registration: 23 May 2017


Mamaexpat replied to a thread
7 years ago

Air pollution - how bad is it? by Mamaexpat

Hello! We may have the chance to move Delhi. There is so much that excites us about this but on the other hand I'm really concerned about the air pollution. I've heard it's the worst of any major city in the world. We have two young ...


Hi there Thanks so much for taking the time to explain all of this. With young kids, do people find that the lifestyle is quite restricted? For example, are there many days when you can't really go outside with the children? Do you feel ... Read More

Mamaexpat created a thread
7 years ago

Air pollution - how bad is it?

Hello! We may have the chance to move Delhi. There is so much that excites us about this but on the other hand I'm really concerned about the air pollution. I've heard it's the worst of any major city in the world. We have two young ... Read More