Vincent Claud

Vincent Claud


Indian looking for information about Philippines

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Cebu City, Central Visayas

Speaks English, Malay, Indonesian and little Arabic

Registration: 17 June 2017


Vincent Claud replied to a thread
7 years ago

looking to buy land in Philippines and build my house by drjones2013

I looking to buy land in Philippines and build my house. Please will someone give me contact information on builders and places where I can buy material.

Vincent Claud

Dear Calif, Thanks for the informative honest statements, I will think and plan over to look into a condo unit then. Read More

Vincent Claud replied to a thread
7 years ago

looking to buy land in Philippines and build my house by drjones2013

I looking to buy land in Philippines and build my house. Please will someone give me contact information on builders and places where I can buy material.

Vincent Claud

Head Ache reading so much, Can any one brief a simple way in buying a condo or lease a property. What if we buy a land or house on a trust worthy friend and he/she give us the power attorney or lease , is it possible? kindly let me know. Read More