Ann Wheatley

Ann Wheatley


South African looking for information about Ireland

Forum posts




About me

South African

Lives in Waterford Ireland

Speaks English African

Registration: 30 June 2017


Ann Wheatley replied to a thread
6 years ago

Was it a mistake to move to Ireland or not? You be the judge by GuestPoster9687

I wish i could write something different but i am going to write my experience in here as and how it happened. For so many in here there have been positive and negative stories but mine is something that has put a doubt in mind..And I am asking ...

Ann Wheatley

I am glad that I could help. It is really a beautiful country but it is much more expensive than the rest of Europe. Good luck with your decision Read More

Ann Wheatley replied to a thread
6 years ago

Was it a mistake to move to Ireland or not? You be the judge by GuestPoster9687

I wish i could write something different but i am going to write my experience in here as and how it happened. For so many in here there have been positive and negative stories but mine is something that has put a doubt in mind..And I am asking ...

Ann Wheatley

We moved to Ireland from South Africa for exactly the same reasons. We had great jobs and owned a house but wanted a quieter life. We only lasted a year. The cost of living in astronomical and the banking system and the internet is one of the worst ... Read More