mahdimdmm Iran


Espatriato Iraniano in Tailandia
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I'm planning to take IELTS exam here in Bangkok. I have deep knowledge in Windows OS, Server and client also in MS Office also have over 14 years of experience in programming especially in filed Web Application client side and server side (for example .NET, ASP.NET, T-SQL, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript) I'm also having 6 Microsoft Certified (Microsoft Certified Professional Developer) If you are Native English I glad to exchange my knowledge with your language ability. or we can just have friendship :) Please tell me in PV if you are interested about that. Thanks :)

Sono un utente di dal 15 Luglio 2017

  • Parlo English,Persian
  • Interessi personali learn
Registro delle attività
  • mahdimdmm
    espatriato in Tailandia

Percorso di espatrio

Ora vivo qui
Bangkok, Bangkok, Tailandia
Teheran, Iran