

New member

American looking for information about Kuwait

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Lives in Al Ahmadi

Registration: 21 July 2017


cocky0 replied to a thread
7 years ago

Leaving the family behind by cocky0

I searched around a little, but I did not find what I was looking for. So I am likely to receive an offer from a contract company to work on Arifjan very soon. I also own a house in the US with a wife and a child. I am just about to retire from ...


Thanks for the replies, folks. My CPA assures me that owning property in the states and claiming that as a residence would not affect my tax-free status, so that answers that question. All I have to figure out now is how transfers from a bank in ... Read More

cocky0 replied to a thread
7 years ago

Leaving the family behind by cocky0

I searched around a little, but I did not find what I was looking for. So I am likely to receive an offer from a contract company to work on Arifjan very soon. I also own a house in the US with a wife and a child. I am just about to retire from ...


Yeah so are most of us who live here lol. Read More

cocky0 replied to a thread
7 years ago

Leaving the family behind by cocky0

I searched around a little, but I did not find what I was looking for. So I am likely to receive an offer from a contract company to work on Arifjan very soon. I also own a house in the US with a wife and a child. I am just about to retire from ...


Yes but as a married citizen, you have the option to either file jointly or separately. Ordinarily it is beneficial to file jointly for various credits and what not. However would it not be better to file separately in this instance? Would owning a ... Read More

cocky0 created a thread
7 years ago

Leaving the family behind

I searched around a little, but I did not find what I was looking for. So I am likely to receive an offer from a contract company to work on Arifjan very soon. I also own a house in the US with a wife and a child. I am just about to retire from ... Read More