Have lived and worked in various countries - ireland, Uk ,Australia,Norway and most recently South Korea. Hoping to be soon moving to Vietnam - hence why I am here!
Inscrevi-me ao expat.com no dia 22 Agosto 2017.
Working for Inpex/Samsung Heavy Industries on Ichthys Project - Semi-submersible platform bound for Australia
Weather, food, people, expat community, safety
Food costs!
Worked for Total E&P Uk on the Laggan Tormore Gas Plant
People, wild weather, housing, nature, isolation
Cost of getting off the island
Took some time off for about a year and then went to work in the North Sea on Brent Charlie platform owned by Shell
People, environment, pace of life
Working for Kentz on the Pluto LNG plant.
Weather, beaches, desert, job