Paintergal Etats-Unis


Américaine qui aimerait vivre en Thailande
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29 posts sur le forum
Membre actif


Born and grew up in New York. Attended university in D.C. and then, because we moved, took 2 univ. degrees in Ottawa. Lived in several countries. Presently live in southern California. After having spent 2004-2008 in Thailand (my Ex was the EU Ambassador then), I fell in love with the country - so much so, I wrote a book about the Klongs. I spoke of Thailand to everyone so often, that I thought I'd better go back - and maybe retire in Chiang Mai.

Je suis une femme.

Je suis retraité(e). Je suis An artist, playwright, photographer.

Je suis membre depuis le 28 Août 2017.

  • Je parle English, French, German, some Afrikaans, basic Thai
  • Dans la vie, j'aime and wrote
Activité récente
  • Paintergal
    a rejoint la communauté Chiang Mai

Mon parcours

J'aimerais y vivre
Chiang Mai, Thailande
J'y vis en ce moment
New York, Etats-Unis