Utkarsh12 India


Cittadino Indiano che cerca informazioni in Nuova Zelanda
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Hi everyone! This is Utkarsh from New Delhi, India. I am a Consulting professional working with one of the major international consulting firms. Presently, I am considering moving to Norway for the following reasons: 1- Need for a masters' degree in a specialised course. 2- My professional outlook and work ethics is more akin to the Scandinavian system of working. Have spent most of my life outside India and therefore have a more international outlook towards life.

Sono un utente di expat.com dal 28 Agosto 2017

  • Parlo English, Hindi, Tamil
  • Interessi personali meditating, music, reading, Swimming, spending time with friends and family, making new friends., nature walking, nature travelling
Registro delle attività
  • Utkarsh12
    espatriato in Nuova Zelanda

Percorso di espatrio

Dal Giugno 2018
Nuova Zelanda
Southland District, Southland, Nuova Zelanda
Mostra tutto

As someone interested to move to New Zealand, particularly Southland area, I am keen to take up any interesting and challenging project for a career in this region. Being a consultant, I have had the opportunity to work in a variety of areas and understand many businesses, giving me the flexibility to work in almost any sector.

Have not travelled there yet, so cannot say about this.

Dal Giugno 2018
Nuova Zelanda
Southland District, Southland, Nuova Zelanda
Mostra tutto

As someone interested to move to New Zealand, particularly Southland area, I am keen to take up any interesting and challenging project for a career in this region. Being a consultant, I have had the opportunity to work in a variety of areas and understand many businesses, giving me the flexibility to work in almost any sector.

Have not travelled there yet, so cannot say about this.

Vorrei trasferirmi lì
Oslo, Oslo, Norvegia
Ora vivo qui
Nuova Delhi, NCT, India