zealousrafter Índia


Zealousrafter, Indiano procurando informação sobre na Omã
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Hello all! I am living in India, working for an MNC, having more than 30+ years of experience. I have recently started communicating for a COO position in Oman. The company profile and other aspects are wonderful. Nevertheless, I do not know what are the monetary aspects. What kind of take home salary does a COO of this background, in such countries get? Apart from a negotiable take home salary, they mention that the perks include free accommodation, vehicle with fuel, medical and life insurance and an annual trip to home country for self and family. Since I have very little idea, I do not know what to quote. Thanking in advance for your advice and input!

Inscrevi-me ao expat.com no dia 21 Maio 2009.

  • Gosto de movies, sports
Registro de atividade
  • zealousrafter
    juntou-se à comunidade de expatriados Omã

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