nikout13 Ukraine


Ukrainian looking for information about Australia
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I have been living in Canada for a 4th year now, and I do not enjoy being here. I have a person I've known for 3 years and we have feelings for each other through online, we are sincere to each other and she lives in Australia. We are in a relationship but I want to move to Australia, I know a lot of people from here through online services, and I mostly spend time with them chatting. I do not know what do I do for going to Australia, not very familiar with VISA systems since my parents have been doing everything for me without explaining to me much, and with a recent argument I have been disowned due to misinterpretations and emotional disaster that couldn't let me stand for myself. I am all alone here, I need help from fellow Ukrainians about moving to Australia. My VISA in Canada is also expired and I have 90 days to leave. I was a student at one of the Canadian Universities, but I never proceeded to attend classes due to my mental motivation in what I wanted to learn, and pressure from family something that never let me speak up. I am trying to look for anything to start from the bottom that can let me stay in Australia.

I joined on 27 September 2017.

  • I can speak English, Russian, Ukrainian
  • Interests 3d modeling, Art, graphic design, Video Games., Animations

Expat experience

I would like to move there
Sydney, Australia
I am currently living here
Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine