Filipino looking for information about Maldives
Forum posts
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Lives in Male, Maale
Registration: 28 September 2017

how much is the rental for a house in Male? by anneisip20
Hello, Im moving In Maldives on November to work for a new hoapital in Male, how much is the rental for a house in Male?

Yeah its quite expensive , the salary they offer is just 1000 dollars, I cannot survive with my family Read More

how much is the rental for a house in Male? by anneisip20
Hello, Im moving In Maldives on November to work for a new hoapital in Male, how much is the rental for a house in Male?

Yeah its quite expensive it would be difficult for me to bring my family because the salary they offer is just 1000 dollars. Read More

how much is the rental for a house in Male?
Hello, Im moving In Maldives on November to work for a new hoapital in Male, how much is the rental for a house in Male? Read More