Pakistani expat in Saudi Arabia
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Khobar
Registration: 20 February 2011

Cancelling Multiple Exit Reentry Visa for Transfer
Hey folks, Is it mandatory to cancel multiple exit re entry visa before transfer the sponsorship from one company to another? How it can be cancel? is it online from company or personelly I have to go to Jawazat to cancel it. Thanks, Read More

Visit Visa -Anyone tried 1825 Days Multiple Entry ? Possible ? by gunner757
I'm confused ! Do they accept such "Multiple Entry Requests" ? Anyone successfully got it ? Below is the image from MOFA site . http://s30.postimg.org/m5uz74c1t/visa_multi_saudi.jpg

I think its 5 years multiple visa with up to 180 days of stay for US nationals only. Pls. correct me if I am wrong. Read More

Protection stuff in luggage by Anrodshah
Can we travel with having child protection stuff in luggage to/from saudi?

I don't think it will make any issue as long as they are in luggage. But I am not sure if you can travel; while having it on. :dumbom: Read More

hajj 2015 by bdsumon
hello all, i would like to have your attention ...please , could you please help me regarding to get tasreeh or hajj process 2015 from riyadh as i do live in riyadh.... i will be very grateful to you... regards , sumon

Greetings, From where we can submit the online application for Hajj. The link is not working. Regards, Read More

Car Review: Honda CR-V 2005 by skhurram007
Dear All, I am seriously considering a nicely maintained Honda CR-V 2005 in affordable price. I want to get a small SUV because first, my family is small at the moment with only 1 kid and wife; second, this would be my first SUV and I want to get a ...

Tucson; will not give the comfort and level of SUV. this is what I guess. Read More

STC 4G Router Speed Issue, Speed Not Even 1MB , Please Help by STC-Sucks
i used 4G STC 12month package last year i got very good speed like 17MB minimum and sometimes 30MB, december 2014 i renewed my sim with same package but not getting speed .. speed is like 20KB to max 80KM not even 1MB .. i can't open google ...

Believe it or not, exactly the same issue. I have 4G Router with unlimited package. I used it at 3 different places. Olaya , Exit 21 & Manfhoha. It's not even giving 1 MB D/L. Logged the case with STC they came up with an answer that we ... Read More

Buy a used car In Jeddah by booksale
We plan to buy a used car. We are a family of three. Budget is around SR 16000. We have no Arabic. Where is the best place to look for used cars? Can we get a decent car with this price?

Hi Guys, But I am not sure about MARAZ/car dealers, first they will give you at high price. second, They will not allow if you want to go for checkups/test for a car. Correct me if i am wrong. Read More

How to pay prenalty for birth registration in Saudi Arabia Riyadh by atahmed
Hi all, i want to pay the penalty for my daughter birth regsitration in Ahwal Madnia because i am more than 1 month late from the birth date of my daughter. kindly guide me

Not a big deal, You just go to the same hall; on the right side there is small window pay exactly 50 SAR and get the receipt and submit the docs to the main window. Read More

Visas-Visit visa extended but print out problem by Biju1973
Dear My visit visa is extended for 3 months but the print out is only in plain paper no Jawasat details seal, do i have to show it to jawasat to get sealed or i have to ask print out from jawasat Please replay details i am in ...

Hi, It's all online. No need for any stamp, you can just keep the hard copy but they will not ask for the copy as well. Read More

Weekend Places- Riyadh by Zeesham
Hello, Any good places to visit with family on weekends; nearby Riyadh or within Riyadh.

Thx dude, I am interested in only 3, rest I already experienced. Wadi Hanifa Park Jamooli Land (exit 14) Taulaan Land (King Fahad Road) Can you share the location on Google or any web. I am unable to find it. Read More

Weekend Places- Riyadh
Hello, Any good places to visit with family on weekends; nearby Riyadh or within Riyadh. Read More

Dear All, Possible if you could share your experience on how you was able to get birth certificate for your child in MOI, Nasiriyah, Riyadh KSA? What to bring? What to do? What is the procedure? I already have schedule for my child next ...

Application Form 87 you can download from moi web Read More

Dear All, Possible if you could share your experience on how you was able to get birth certificate for your child in MOI, Nasiriyah, Riyadh KSA? What to bring? What to do? What is the procedure? I already have schedule for my child next ...

If you already have the appointment from MOI , then required documents are mentioned on it, just take the help from any arab. you need to go there and wait for the turn they will issue within 15 -30 mins.... Read More

Met a Hit and Run Accident. by mdhafeez85
Car in the lane beside, tried to join my lane and hit my car on right side. As soon as he noticed he got down from the car and checked his car and he left the spot without any discussion. Before he ran away I clicked a picture of his number plate. ...

How much is your loss? Did najm gave you any receipt pointing the insurance company name, if not I am afraid that you need to fix from your pocket. Read More

family visit visa by salarpasha
I applied for family visit visa online for wife and daughter and submited letter to minister of commerce but still my status showing same ﺮﺟﻰ ﻃﺒﺎﻋﺔ ﺍﻟﻄﻠﺐ ...

Visit visa needs two way tickets as far as my knowledge. Read More