I've been home here in the US (Minnesota) since late July but I spent a good part of '09 and '10 in Saudi Arabia providing project management training to telecomm professionals. I'll be returning to Riyadh at the end of March, 2011. I'll be there on a contract through June, but I expect to be working in Riyadh for upwards of three years on a subsequent contract. I lived and worked in Iran, Afghanistan, Algeria, and Saudi Arabia in the 1970s and '80s, when I was a teacher, so the expat's life in the Middle East is not entirely new to me. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to the life once again. I guess I have two requests: 1. Please put me on your list for embassy get-togethers coming up this spring. 2. And most importantly, could you direct me to someone at the embassy who might be able to advise me on health care coverage while in KSA? As a contractor, I won't have any health insurance provided by my Saudi employer. I have Blue Cross Blue Shield here in the US but that does not extend to KSA. Thanks for your time, Paul. I hope all has been well for you there in Riyadh.
I joined expat.com on 22 February 2011.