hakuna matata safari Quénia

hakuna matata safari

Hakuna matata safari, Queniano
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My names are peter mari kagwanja born and bred in Nairobi ,i have been in the tourism industry for the last 25 years and i have vast experince in the tourism field which i dont do just as job but as a hobby .Am married with three kids 1 boy and 2 girls . i would like to be part of the community and introduce them to my company where we can be able to advent together .My company is called Kenya safari planners .(www.kenyasafariplanners.com)

Inscrevi-me ao expat.com no dia 03 Novembro 2017.

  • Falo English,Kiswahili,Kikuyu
  • Gosto de traveling, cooking, music, Adventuring meeting new freinds
Registro de atividade
  • hakuna matata safari
    added kenya safari planners and accommodations in the Nairóbi directory

Experi�ncia expat

Estou a viver aqui agora
Nairobi, Nairobi Area, Quénia