French looking for information about Guadeloupe
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Baie Mahault
Speaks French Portuguese and a little English.
Registration: 28 May 2009

Buying a car in Angola by KarenCN
Hi I'm moving to Angola in the summer and am getting conflicting advice about buying a car. Would it be better to import a car? It would be from the UK. Are there any constraints on the car spec (ie left or right hand drive, age, etc)? Are ...

Hi, I'm having the same kind of questions. Is it easy to import a car in Angola? Is it long? Thanks Miki Read More

Moving to Luanda... by rdfg16
Hi! I just registered to this site. We are from Panama but living in Dubai, U.A.E. for almost 2 years. Before moving to Dubai, we used to live in Baku, Azerbaijan. Now, there is a possibility that will move to Luanda, Angola. I have been browsing ...

Hi, I'm french and will be soon arriving in Luanda. I'm looking for a house downtown (min 3 Bdrm, water tank and generator). I also need to know if there are good international mooving agencies and if it's easy to import a car. Thank you all for the ... Read More