

New member

American looking for information about Costa Rica


5 posts

About me


Lives in Tamarindo, Guanacaste


Registration: 22 January 2018


PAULVIANO replied to a thread
6 years ago

Getting Medication in Costa Rica by Symmetry01

How do americans get the medications they need? What are the average costs of medications compared to costs in USA. For example, my wife needs Percocet for sciatica and that runs up to 30 dollars a month after our insurance coverage. What is the ...


lol. One look at my MRI and they will ask how I am able to stand up... Read More

PAULVIANO replied to a thread
6 years ago

Getting Medication in Costa Rica by Symmetry01

How do americans get the medications they need? What are the average costs of medications compared to costs in USA. For example, my wife needs Percocet for sciatica and that runs up to 30 dollars a month after our insurance coverage. What is the ...


Thank you Dave. Basic pain killer - oxycodone Read More

PAULVIANO replied to a thread
6 years ago

Getting Medication in Costa Rica by Symmetry01

How do americans get the medications they need? What are the average costs of medications compared to costs in USA. For example, my wife needs Percocet for sciatica and that runs up to 30 dollars a month after our insurance coverage. What is the ...


Good Morning, If you don't mind, I have one more question regarding medication. I have a opiate prescription that cannot be filled in the states before I leave for CR. Would a pharmacy in CR be able to fill it if I bring the prescription with ... Read More

PAULVIANO replied to a thread
6 years ago

Getting Medication in Costa Rica by Symmetry01

How do americans get the medications they need? What are the average costs of medications compared to costs in USA. For example, my wife needs Percocet for sciatica and that runs up to 30 dollars a month after our insurance coverage. What is the ...


Thank you for clarifying. Read More

PAULVIANO replied to a thread
6 years ago

Getting Medication in Costa Rica by Symmetry01

How do americans get the medications they need? What are the average costs of medications compared to costs in USA. For example, my wife needs Percocet for sciatica and that runs up to 30 dollars a month after our insurance coverage. What is the ...


I will be in CR in a couple weeks and something I read in one of the posts concerned me. It said that you cannot bring opiates into CR. I am awaiting a back surgery and take multiple medications for pain, including some opiates. Will I have ... Read More