AchiroHero USA


American looking for information about France
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I live in New York City (Brooklyn) and hope to move to Lyon, France by September but I may be delayed until the end of the year. I speak very little French at the moment but am working fervently to improve my written and oral skills. Currently, I volunteer to help others improve their English in NYC and hope to do the same while in France. I have a B.A. in International Studies from American University. Another interest of mine is music. I am now producing a zouk love track. I wrote the lyrics (English, of course) and the music. Hopefully it will be completed in June. I don't believe there are any other Americans doing this so I'm curious as to how my songs will be received in France and other parts of the francophone world.

I joined on 09 April 2011.

  • Interests politics, american football, zouk music
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Expat experience

I would like to move there
I am currently living here