bkeeling Australia


Espatriato Australiano in Tailandia
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I was born in the UK (Leicester), for nearly 20 years I was a manufacturer in the fashion industry, in 1982, I emigrated to Australia with my wife and daughter, but, after an 8 year battle with Alzheimer's disease, my wife died in 2014, we were married for 53 years, in 2015, I met my present partner, then, as a result of a one month holiday in Thailand, we fell in love with the Chiang Mai people, eventually we moved to CM Thailand in 2016 to start a new life, but we have recently decided to go our separate ways, we are still good friends and hope to possibly have lunch once a month to catch up, she is starting a new online fashion label..

Sono un utente di expat.com dal 20 Maggio 2018

  • Parlo a bit of French, German
Registro delle attività
  • bkeeling
    espatriato a Chiang Mai

Percorso di espatrio

Ora vivo qui
Chiang Mai, Tailandia
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia