amie88 Filippine


Cittadino Filippino che cerca informazioni in Colombia
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Hi! My name is Anne from the Philippines, Single and hoping to meet my other half somewhere down the road (lol!) Thinking of moving to EUROPE very soooon! but not sure yet if Spain or Italy so suggestions are appreciated.I am a part time travel agent. I am easy to go with, love meeting new friends and have some dinner or coffee perhaps. You can actually bribe me for roadtrips, choclates, pizza and coffee! :)

Sono un utente di dal 27 Luglio 2018

  • Parlo English and planning to study Espanol of course!
Registro delle attività
  • amie88
    espatriato a Bogotà

Percorso di espatrio

Vorrei trasferirmi lì
Bogotá, Bogota D.C., Colombia
Ora vivo qui
Manila, Metro Manila, Filippine