rtm369 Sri Lanka


Espatriato Srilankese in Arabia Saudita
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I enjoy travelling and extreme sports (Not just saying it, I bungee jumped recently : D).. I like sharing a drink or two with friends, and at times get wasted! (no, no, no, I can still hold myself up pretty well. People say I become a calmer & sweeter person when drunk lol) That was my sugar coated wild side :P, cos on the other hand I am a married man and a responsible father to a beautiful princess and 2 little rascals for sons who make the house look like a garbage dump in a split second. I had all 3 kids before I hit 30! (Yes, I?ve been quite busy :D). On top of that I am also a professional at work managing operations for a European multinational IT company, and enjoys gentleman gatherings, playing billiard, bowling, photography, etc..

Sono un utente di expat.com dal 09 Maggio 2011

  • Parlo English very well, a little of Sinhalese, and i'm currently learning Arabic and Tagalog
  • Interessi personali travelling, vacation, bowling, making friends, oh yeah, i'm very adventurous
Registro delle attività
  • rtm369
    espatriato in Arabia Saudita

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Arabia Saudita
Arabia Saudita
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka