English looking for information about Spain
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Chantada, Galicia
Speaks English German (fair) French (poor) Danish (some) Dutch (scraps) Spanish (starting)
Registration: 19 September 2018

English speaking people in Galicia, Spain by villa
Hi all; would like to hear from people who speak english currently living in Galicia, particularly any australians based there. Cheers.

Thanks John, I don't think I fancy shared accommodation so I'd better look for an hotel I suppose. pete Read More

English speaking people in Galicia, Spain by villa
Hi all; would like to hear from people who speak english currently living in Galicia, particularly any australians based there. Cheers.

Hi all, I'm intending to visit Pontevedra this weekend, as I've got a property to see on Monday. So if anyone would like to meet up let me know. Also I'd be grateful for a pointer to a decent and affordable B&B somewhere near. pete Read More

English speaking people in Galicia, Spain by villa
Hi all; would like to hear from people who speak english currently living in Galicia, particularly any australians based there. Cheers.

...come to think of it the first essential is to find a good car hire place. Good means cheap, and I just need basic transport. pete Read More

English speaking people in Galicia, Spain by villa
Hi all; would like to hear from people who speak english currently living in Galicia, particularly any australians based there. Cheers.

@spangal - thanks, that's good to hear. I'm sure there'll be lots to ask when I'm over and active. I guess one thing that will certainly be important is finding a competent and reliable local gestor, so if you have any experience ... Read More

New members of the Spain forum, introduce yourselves here - 2018 by Julien
Hi all, Newbie on the Spain forum? Dont know how to start? This thread is for you ;) We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on ...

Hi, I'm Pete: moving to Galicia as soon as practicable, and on a buying mission from the start of October. I decided to leave Britain long before the Brexit car crash but it took a few years to sell up. As I have dual UK/Irish citizenship ... Read More

English speaking people in Galicia, Spain by villa
Hi all; would like to hear from people who speak english currently living in Galicia, particularly any australians based there. Cheers.

Hi all, I'm English (and Irish) and am heading for Chantada at the end of the month. I'll be there at least two months while I search for a property - I'm emigrating as soon as possible. I had a first look in May-June and I'm pretty ... Read More