Epistemologist, centrist, and a little to the left... pragmatic with a touch of green... well traveled (and still travel a lot)... financial stability... good work ethics... educated as a Chemical Engineer... currently contracting in Kuwait as a PMC Lead Engineer I in the field of Health Safety and Environmental Management / Systems Assurance and Design (Oil & Gas Industry).
Sono un utente di expat.com dal 26 Maggio 2011
Working and Socializing
I like the food... lol
Class oriented culture (status derived by race, nationality, gender, income...ect.)
Work, Home, Life
I have my 'home' here / all the small things
too many people live in a little box in they're minds unaware of what's "actually" happening in the rest of the world!
Work / Social
The only place I've ever lived that I liked very little...
Blatant, in your face, "corruption", at 'all' levels
Pretty places, friendly people, beautiful water...
people constantly try to over charge - very annoying
Work / Social
The History, very organized, - a big party - lol
nobody wanted to smile... lol
Work / Social
Work / Social
Work / Home
Work / Home
Work / Social
Work / Home
Work / School / Social