My name is Alan Paluch most of my life I dedicated to hypnotherapy and healing (practicing and teaching) In over 50 years it may come to close of 0,5 millions of peoples in individual and massive healings mostly in Latin America. Last 4 years I returned from Nicaragua to Australia because of danger symploms of Parkinson's disease. Parkison's have 5 stages. My was fifth . I can't walk or do anything without the help. suffering lot of pain and physical suffering to compare toterminal cancer patient. Then, one day everything stop. No pain, no suffering no need for help and I started walking with walker. Parkinson's is progressive incurable disease, so my case must be one in thousand. I will wait 3 months to save money for trip and I will go back to Nicaragua, rent the house, take empleada domestica and live as free man. Greetings to you all, wherever you are Alan Paluch
Inscrevi-me ao no dia 11 Novembro 2018.