cegnau USA


American looking for information about Iceland
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Have submitted a resume to work with the US department of the Navy in Keflavik, Iceland. Have no idea if I will get the position, but I have always wanted to at least visit Iceland. But living there would be a real treat. i would like ANY information regarding living there. Most interested in finding a place to live--or if anyone has worked for the US federal government, any tips or information would be great.

I joined expat.com on 30 June 2009.

  • I can speak very little French, German, Latin, and very very little Icelandic
  • Interests reading, food, music, movies, archeology, icend, culture studies
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I would like to move there
Keflavik, Iceland
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I'd write more about this, but seeing as I don't live there...and i certainly don't want to jinx anything:)

Since September 2003
Ohio, USA
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Living life. Waiting to see if I will be wroking in Iceland.