EnglishCapricorn Inglaterra


EnglishCapricorn, Inglês procurando informação sobre na Ucrânia
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I was born in London, England, and now live in a small town called Tenterden, that's in Kent. I have lived in 5 Provinces in Canada for 5 years total and a few places in Latvia. I raised two daughters on my own and now they have grownup, so I am looking to find a country to possibly move to in the next year or so. I have chosen Ukraine... for several reasons. Hopefully I can find some help in this forum on a variety of subjects that will help me to grt to know Ukraine more.

Inscrevi-me ao expat.com no dia 01 Janeiro 2019.

  • Falo Native English and a little Latvian.
  • Gosto de animals, Entrepreneurship, Chernobyl Area, Nomad, Open Space, Forests... Lots more.
Registro de atividade
  • EnglishCapricorn
    juntou-se à comunidade de expatriados Kiev

Experiência expat

Quero mudar-me para
Kiev, Kyiv City, Ucrânia
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Looking to relocate there at some stage in the future, hopfully?

Estou a viver aqui agora
Londres, Inglaterra, Inglaterra
Jan 2009 - Jan 2013
Riga, Letónia
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Lived in Riga, Cesis, Liepaja, and several more small towns. Total three years...

There's lots to like and lots to dislike about Latvia. :) Ask if you want info. Geoff...

Jan 2003 - Jan 2007
Ottawa, Ontário, Canadá
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Lived in several cities and small towns in several provinces all over Canada, Mainly the east coast. ONTARIO, MANATOBA, NOVA SCOTIA, NEWFOUNDLAND and a short time in QUEBEC. Way to much to write here. Please ask if you have an quiestions... Geoff...

Perfect place to live and work...

Jan 2003 - Jan 2007
Ottawa, Ontário, Canadá