German citizen
Forum posts
About me
Registration: 08 January 2019

Tax issue, wife and child abroad (kindergeld, tax classes, benefits) by piailmitico
Hi everyone, I am a 24-year-old Italian guy who is moving to Germany (Stuttgart area) at the beginning of April. I am married and my little baby will be delivered at the end of May. I'll be regularly employed. Now, let's deal with ...

You can apply for Kindergeld here: https://formular.arbeitsagentur.de/eantrag/formular.page?frage=1688a08c9d951201&formular=0AF2C41B If you don't read and write German, you may want to ask a German colleague or your employer for help. Enjoy. Read More

Tax issue, wife and child abroad (kindergeld, tax classes, benefits) by piailmitico
Hi everyone, I am a 24-year-old Italian guy who is moving to Germany (Stuttgart area) at the beginning of April. I am married and my little baby will be delivered at the end of May. I'll be regularly employed. Now, let's deal with ...

"Kindergeld wird für Kinder – unabhängig von ihrer Staatsangehörigkeit – gezahlt, wenn sie in Deutschland ihren Wohnsitz oder gewöhnlichen Aufenthalt haben. Dasselbe gilt, wenn die Kinder ... Read More

Tax issue, wife and child abroad (kindergeld, tax classes, benefits) by piailmitico
Hi everyone, I am a 24-year-old Italian guy who is moving to Germany (Stuttgart area) at the beginning of April. I am married and my little baby will be delivered at the end of May. I'll be regularly employed. Now, let's deal with ...

As far as I know, you are in principle entitled to receive Kindergeld. The level of Kindergeld for children living in other EU countries of parents working in Germany has been a matter of much political debate, in particular for countries such as ... Read More

Erbengemeinschaft - Estate
My children are dual citizens (US/German). They inherited something from their German grandfather (who is not connected to the US, non-US-situs property). My understanding is that they don't have to pay US Estate Tax but they have to report ... Read More