

New member

German citizen

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Registration: 08 January 2019


Andreas_Bot replied to a thread
6 years ago

Tax issue, wife and child abroad (kindergeld, tax classes, benefits) by piailmitico

Hi everyone, I am a 24-year-old Italian guy who is moving to Germany (Stuttgart area) at the beginning of April. I am married and my little baby will be delivered at the end of May. I'll be regularly employed. Now, let's deal with ...


You can apply for Kindergeld here: If you don't read and write German, you may want to ask a German colleague or your employer for help. Enjoy. Read More

Andreas_Bot replied to a thread
6 years ago

Tax issue, wife and child abroad (kindergeld, tax classes, benefits) by piailmitico

Hi everyone, I am a 24-year-old Italian guy who is moving to Germany (Stuttgart area) at the beginning of April. I am married and my little baby will be delivered at the end of May. I'll be regularly employed. Now, let's deal with ...


"Kindergeld wird für Kinder – unabhängig von ihrer Staatsangehörigkeit – gezahlt, wenn sie in Deutschland ihren Wohnsitz oder gewöhnlichen Aufenthalt haben. Dasselbe gilt, wenn die Kinder ... Read More

Andreas_Bot replied to a thread
6 years ago

Tax issue, wife and child abroad (kindergeld, tax classes, benefits) by piailmitico

Hi everyone, I am a 24-year-old Italian guy who is moving to Germany (Stuttgart area) at the beginning of April. I am married and my little baby will be delivered at the end of May. I'll be regularly employed. Now, let's deal with ...


As far as I know, you are in principle entitled to receive Kindergeld. The level of Kindergeld for children living in other EU countries of parents working in Germany has been a matter of much political debate, in particular for countries such as ... Read More

Andreas_Bot created a thread
6 years ago

Erbengemeinschaft - Estate

My children are dual citizens (US/German). They inherited something from their German grandfather (who is not connected to the US, non-US-situs property). My understanding is that they don't have to pay US Estate Tax but they have to report ... Read More