Jmdevall USA


American looking for information about Ecuador
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Born and raised in Texas. Worked in healthcare since graduating from college. 30 years as a podiatrist. My wife and I would like to retire in Cuenca, Ecuador, but I am too young to retire and would like to find a job before committing to move there. My wife is still working and has a very stressful job that she would like to leave, and since we would both love to move to Cuenca, my getting a job there would be the perfect opportunity for us both to be much happier.

I joined on 31 March 2019.

  • I can speak English
  • Interests Previously physician, now retired, and love to cook.
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Expat experience

I would like to move there
Cuenca, Azuay, Ecuador
I am currently living here
Belton, Texas, USA