menojy Egypte


Citoyenne Egyptienne
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Since expat-blog does't show all the info, I would like to add it here >>> Name : Engy / Gender : Female / Familial status : In a very serious long term relationship // ::: now my about me space ::: I am a normal Egyptian human being ... I am an open minded person and can get along with most people if they are open minded as well, I don't like judging people and I can't feel comfortable with closed minded people around . I like to meet new people and know about different cultures. I'd also like to share my interests with more people and know about their interests, have deep conversations, and have lots of fun trying new things. I have been to Japan before and I wish I could visit Spain, Mexico, France, and the US someday . well, that's it for now .. feel free to add me or to just pass by and leave :)

Je suis membre depuis le 21 Juin 2011.

  • Je parle Arabic, English, Japanese
  • Dans la vie, j'aime traveling, reading, watching movies, Swimming, meeting new people, philosophy, pychology
Activité récente
  • menojy
    a rejoint la communauté Egypte

Mon parcours

J'y vis en ce moment
Sept 2010 - Sept 2011
Osaka, Japon
Avr 1990 - Sept 2010
Le Caire, Egypte