RKR Noruega


RKR, Norueguês procurando informação sobre em Espanha
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Im norwegian and im living 25km north of Trondheim Norway.I love fly fishing for trout in rivers but the summer here is too short and the climate gives me big health problems in winter because of my damaged hipps.I can not stay another cald dark winter here so i wonder about living some months in Spain or south Croatia.I speak good english and some german.I love spanish and balkan food.I think im a social person and hope to get some help with info. aso about living in Spain and/or Croatia during winter,were,how,when++. Sincerely Robert R Norway

Inscrevi-me ao expat.com no dia 21 Junho 2011.

  • Falo English,German,Norwegian,Swedish
  • Gosto de photography, food, sports, new friends
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  • RKR
    juntou-se à comunidade de expatriados Espanha

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