Miroelsilent585 Arabia Saudita


Espatriato Saudita in Belgio
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Well Where do I start I was born in called wonderful city called Jeddah by the Red Sea. I lived in the UK for 7 years 4 of those were in Newcastle, England and 3 in Edinburgh Scotland. I'm here now in Brussels for an unknown period of time , While I'm here I'm trying to learn French and meet people from different parts of the world.

Sono un utente di expat.com dal 22 Giugno 2011

  • Parlo English, Arabic, French
  • Interessi personali cooking
Registro delle attività
  • Miroelsilent585
    espatriato a Bruxelles

Percorso di espatrio

Gen 2011 - Gen 2011
Bruxelles, Belgio
Set 2008 - Dic 2010
Edimburgo, Scozia
Set 2003 - Giu 2007
Newcastle, Inghilterra
Ago 1985 - Set 2003
Arabia Saudita
Gedda, Arabia Saudita