redlobster Philippines


Filipino looking for information about Germany
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My pseudo is 'redlobster.' I am 23 years old, from Cebu City, Philippines. I am currently working as an ESL Teacher, and looking forward to getting an Au pair Visa on September to Germany. I only have a perspective of a photo about Germany. The country has always been interesting to me. It came in a sudden jolt that Germany is the country I would want to pursue life to. Stay there longer to study and work; to be able to interact in a multi-cultural environment; to get to know the German people; and to be able to learn more of their country, culture/traditions and language. P.S. would love to get to know nice German peeps here as well! :)

I joined on 12 July 2019.

  • I can speak Mother tongue: Filipino ( Tagalog, Cebuano )
    Other languages: A1 Deustch, Fluent English
  • Interests Oversimplified, Jordan B. Peterson, SciShow, Ted-ED, and any random educational stuff
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Expat experience

I would like to move there
Munich, Bavaria, Germany
I am currently living here
Cebu City, Philippines