


American citizen


3 posts

About me


Lives in Salt Lake County, Utah

Registration: 17 July 2019


Funkytobacco replied to a thread
5 years ago

Is being an expat with a forester background possible? by Funkytobacco

Hello, I am a student in America who is aiming for a BS degree in forestry. However, I am interested in eventually becoming an expat sometime in the long-term future (it would be a while before I'm ready). I understand forestry isn't as ...


I am retired from the logging and land clearing biz in both the US and Belize. There is no work for forestry people in Belize because there are no companies large enough to support a forestry department. The government forestry department will only ... Read More

Funkytobacco replied to a thread
5 years ago

Is being an expat with a forester background possible? by Funkytobacco

Hello, I am a student in America who is aiming for a BS degree in forestry. However, I am interested in eventually becoming an expat sometime in the long-term future (it would be a while before I'm ready). I understand forestry isn't as ...


Sounds neat, although I think I'd prefer Finland as a possible destination over Sweden. I ought to look at both as an option Read More

Funkytobacco created a thread
5 years ago

Is being an expat with a forester background possible?

Hello, I am a student in America who is aiming for a BS degree in forestry. However, I am interested in eventually becoming an expat sometime in the long-term future (it would be a while before I'm ready). I understand forestry isn't as ... Read More