Salman Omrani Pakistan

Salman Omrani

Espatriato Pachistano in Arabia Saudita
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Salam, Shalom, Hi! My Name is Salman, born & brought up in Saudi Arabia. as much as I hate it here in Saudi Arabia, I am madly in love with this land. its home for me, anywhere else is another nice place. I'm used to being choked by dust storms and fried by the summer sun and frozen to the bone during winters because of low humidity levels in Riyadh. its just where I belong. I wouldn't even feel at home anywhere else.

Sono un utente di dal 15 Luglio 2009

  • Parlo English, Arabic, Urdu, Japanese
  • Interessi personali psychology, travel, Photography, Swimming, reading, chess, billiards, martial arts, Bowling, soccer, cultural exchange, life coaching, making real human connections.
Registro delle attività
  • Salman Omrani
    espatriato a Riyadh

Percorso di espatrio

Dal Giugno 1984
Arabia Saudita
Riyadh, Arabia Saudita
Mostra tutto

I can't imagine living anywhere else after getting used to this country, waking up every day and enjoying day to day life with its ups and downs, the morning traffic not to mention the crazy drivers, the dusty atmosphere and non the less a workaholic community. but once your out in the desert on the weekeneds, I forget it all and enjoy the silence and serenity of the peaceful heaven.

Dusty air, heavey traffic, crazy drivers, high tempretures.

Mag 1984 - Giu 1984
D.G.Khan, Pakistan