Traveler  3468

Traveler 3468

New member

English looking for information about Colombia

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Medellín, Antioquia

Registration: 08 August 2019


Traveler 3468 replied to a thread
5 years ago

Dating in HCMC - is this normal or am I being scammed? by BT1989

Hi, expat from Australia checking in. Recently moved to HCMC as a single guy, with that being the case obviously active on the dating scene. Still trying to get my head around all he customs/etiquette but I'm getting there. I have an account on ...

Traveler  3468

All this discussion over a story about 1 girl... What we can deduce is that this BT1989 didn't have any one else to turn to for guidance except an expat forum. (What could possibly go wrong?) Which is normal for foreign guys going solo in a new ... Read More

Traveler 3468 replied to a thread
5 years ago

Looking for living experience in Greece by hci123

Hi, I am Looking for living experience in Greece Is there anybody who has lived in Greece and can share his/her experience Thanks

Traveler  3468

Thanks Gdreamer. What you are writing is kind of contradictory to Concertina's comments. I'll scope out some Youtube..usually some poor sod has walked around documenting actual conditions from ground zero ) Cheers Read More

Traveler 3468 replied to a thread
5 years ago

Looking for living experience in Greece by hci123

Hi, I am Looking for living experience in Greece Is there anybody who has lived in Greece and can share his/her experience Thanks

Traveler  3468

Wow.. :o that sounds...absolutely horrible...I have visited Athens, Crete, San Torini - I guess maybe tourist areas are not like local residential areas. Why do you think people on this forum are not making these points available to people asking ... Read More

Traveler 3468 replied to a thread
5 years ago

Looking for living experience in Greece by hci123

Hi, I am Looking for living experience in Greece Is there anybody who has lived in Greece and can share his/her experience Thanks

Traveler  3468

Hi, Thank you for your replies. It's difficult for a person looking in from outside to understand what living in Greece (or other places) would be or is like. Some specific questions: 1. Is Uber available in Greece? 2. Is Greece a ... Read More