Romanian expat in Denmark
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Odense
Registration: 09 July 2011

Information about life in Denmark ! by kamsingh007
Hello everyone ! This is Kamaljit Virdi, from India. I am interested in knowing about Denmark. How to get a job in Denmark and which occupations are in high demand. As I need to apply for a 3 year Green Card Scheme currently being run for Indians, ...

Hey there! I've just moved to Odense, Denmark this week and I can tell you a few things. It's true, they look pretty happy and everyone is so nice to you here. English is vry widely spoken. From the people that I've talked to on the street, more ... Read More

Passports for work contract in Denmark by AndreeaB
Hi,I'm from Romania and want to go to Denmark.Does anyone know if for a work contrack and other papers/documents I need a passport or my romanian I.D. is enough?Thnx!

Hey! I'm from Romania too! :D I can't really help you but I thought I should say hi. Hit me with a PM or something if you want to. :) Read More