yoryorgiscard Libéria


Yoryorgiscard, Liberiano procurando informação sobre nos EUA
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Desktop Specialist

Inscrevi-me ao expat.com no dia 09 Julho 2011.

  • Falo English, fraicais
  • Gosto de Computer application and IT management
Registro de atividade
  • yoryorgiscard
    juntou-se à comunidade de expatriados Miami

Experiência expat

Set 2017 - Out 2020
Miami, Flórida, EUA
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IT consultant

Desde Dezembro 2016
Washington, D.C., Washington, D.C., EUA
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I work in Washington DC and Live 52 miles away in the city of Frederick, Maryland. When I planned on moving to Washington DC area for work, I had 3 options in mind, for where I will live. 1) In Washington DC ? the rent for an average one-bedroom apartment was $1,800 to $2500 (Not luxurious apartments). 2) Cities within about 20 miles radius from Washington DC ? Rent for One-bedroom apartment was $1400 to $2,300 (Not Luxury apartments). 3) Cities about 45 Miles away from Washington DC ? Rent for one-bedroom apartment was $850 to $1500. I soon realized that the first 2 options were going to be about half of my income spent on rent, so I decided to go with the last option. Long story short, I got an apartment in the City of Frederick, Maryland, 52 miles away from my office in Washington DC. The drive time from my home to work is 1 hour if there is no traffic. This is only possible at midnight or some weekends. On a normal work day, the drive is 2.5 hours because of traffic. My best option for commuting to work is: Drive 1 hour & 15 minutes from home to shady grove metro station, Then hop onto the red-line train, to Washington DC, which takes me addition 45 mins to get to my office. This makes my commute 2 hours. It takes me the same amount of time to get home after work. The good thing is that, I don?t have to pay for train fare nor parking, because my office pays for both.


Desde Outubro 2013
Minneapolis, Minnesota, EUA
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IT service management and business analysis.

I like everything

Out 1986 - Out 2013
Monrovia, Montserrado, Libéria
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Non-profit work

Poor environment