American looking for information about Cambodia
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Registration: 26 October 2019

Requirements for entering Cambodia as foreigner by JoeKhmer
These are the requirements in effect now, changes can be expected any day, keep up with the news! You need to have a visa before you travel, all visas on arrival are suspended. Go to your nearest Cambodian embassy/consulate and apply for an E-type ...

Thanks, Joe! Very helpful info. Looking forward to being back in the Kingdom next week. Read More

Requirements for entering Cambodia as foreigner by JoeKhmer
These are the requirements in effect now, changes can be expected any day, keep up with the news! You need to have a visa before you travel, all visas on arrival are suspended. Go to your nearest Cambodian embassy/consulate and apply for an E-type ...

Hi Joe, Can you confirm whether it's still the case that flights need to be routed through Seoul or Taipei? I'm about to book my ticket, and Google keeps directing me toward Singapore Airlines. Read More

Travel to Cambodia
Hi guys, I know this has been discussed, but I still can't quite get a grasp on the situation. I'm one of the many expats stuck out of the country right now. Is it at all possible to get a visa to return? And are any flights coming into the ... Read More