Firtael Russie


Citoyenne Russe
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And I I head the social fund. Few talk about it: Developing non-profit social fund "SL Foundation" (Anglo-Russian co-operation, exchange of cultural values, support and adaptation): Looking for native speakers - preferably the middle (15 to 60 years) of age who are willing to communicate with Russian and learn Russian. Free! We also: - Help in life in Russia, - Help with business in Russia - Organize interesting trips around the country It is possible to start remote collaboration with those who would like to come to Russia and they need support (comprehensive).

Je suis membre depuis le 21 Juillet 2011.

  • Dans la vie, j'aime books, cinema, travels, dogs, fotography, show, advertasing
Activité récente
  • Firtael
    a rejoint la communauté Russie

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