ShesOverseas EUA


ShesOverseas, expatriada Americana no Chile
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I have set on a 2 and a half year long journey to teach, travel, eat, meet people and write about all the experiences I will have. My desire is to know each country I visit and the people who live there in order to eradicate misconceptions I may have about these places and report back to everyone else so that they may experience what I have. I hope to share my language and culture. I will be teaching Business English in Calama, Chile- a mining town in the north where the Atacama desert lies. I plan on visiting Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. If I am not too full from seeing all of the wonders that lie in these countries then I will go to Turkey in 2012 to start the Fulbright scholarship. There I will teach conversational English to college students and also will be devising a woman's leadership class for introspective writing and women's empowerment. I will round out my Latin American and Eurasian experience with a 3 month stay in Thailand to teach children. By that time, this expat/nomad will head home to her thrilling city of New York to begin graduate school in International Relations and International Policy, still eager and anticipatory of the roads that life will take her.

Inscrevi-me ao no dia 26 Julho 2011.

  • Falo English, French, Spanish, Tagalog, basic Turkish
  • Gosto de traveling, writing, art, nguages, dancing, teaching, friends, movies, yoga, south america, beach, spinning, restaurants, human rights, women's issues, documentaries, brazil, road-trips, midd east, non-conformism, netflix
Registro de atividade
  • ShesOverseas
    juntou-se � comunidade de expatriados Chile

Experi�ncia expat

Desde Agosto 2011
Calama, Chile
Mar 1998 - Ago 2011
Nova Iorque, EUA
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I am a native New Yorker. I went to college here and most of my family still resides in New York. I plan to return to continue graduate school in NYC.

It gets very tiring, crowded and stressful. The winters are very cold and the summers are very hot.