Northern Irish looking for information about Cambodia
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Northern Irish
Registration: 24 January 2020

Sihanoukville (has the whole city changed recently??) by Stephendonnelly09
Hi, I'm going back to Sihanoukville after a long time, to visit a friend, and have heard the whole place has completely been transformed . Does anyone have any news on what has changed, what is the atmosphere in the city now?? Thanks, Stephen

Thanks for that Joe, sorry for late reply. A new sewer system? I hear they building a new motorway to SHV also... All the best mate Read More

Sihanoukville (has the whole city changed recently??) by Stephendonnelly09
Hi, I'm going back to Sihanoukville after a long time, to visit a friend, and have heard the whole place has completely been transformed . Does anyone have any news on what has changed, what is the atmosphere in the city now?? Thanks, Stephen

Cheers Joe, so are all the casinos empty, and the shopping malls, restaurants and pubs that the Chinese built, sounds like SHV will become a ghost town ... And what will happen to all the employees Read More

Sihanoukville (has the whole city changed recently??)
Hi, I'm going back to Sihanoukville after a long time, to visit a friend, and have heard the whole place has completely been transformed . Does anyone have any news on what has changed, what is the atmosphere in the city now?? Thanks, Stephen Read More