My name is Antony, I am from Sheffield, England, but have also lived in China, Spain and Ireland as a teacher and vice principal in academies and international schools. I speak English, Spanish and Chinese and have travelled to more than 20 countries, and 100 cities worldwide. In my spare time I like to play football, go to the gym, visit bars, and play drums, guitar, or bass guitar in bands (preferably in rock cover bands). I am currently having a short break at the moment while I finish my MA in Education and management, but looking to start something new in the summer.
I joined on 04 March 2020.
English teacher and manager
The chance to see Spain, learn Spanish and discover new music.
low salary
University manager
The chance to see meet many people from many places
high cost of living and taxes
Teacher and principal
The different people and all the interesting experiences.
The locals can still be very stand-offish towards foreigners.