Hindleleanne England


English looking for information about Denmark
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Hello! I am English but have lived in Greece for 2 years, Australia for 1 year, and most recently spent 8 years in France and 2 years in Northern Germany. We have only been back in the UK for a few months but already wondering if its possible to try another country. All of my family live in Spain, so that is one option, but Copenhagen is also quite central to the countries we want to visit next and also my job.

I joined expat.com on 15 April 2020.

  • I can speak English and french
  • Interests reading, Writing and Travelling
Activity log
  • Hindleleanne
    joined the Copenhagen expat community

Expat experience

I would like to move there
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
I am currently living here
Bedfordshire, England, England