tonilscali20 USA


American looking for information about Italy
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I am originally from Ohio, I moved to Florida in the early 90's and I am now ready for a new change. I have always been taught and shown the pride or my Italian heritage and it has always been a dream of mine to reside in Calabria. Covid has brought that dream closer, I realize tomorrow is not promised and I feel I need to make this happen now. My family and I are so excited for this next adventure.

I joined on 07 July 2020.

  • I can speak English
    Learning Italian
Activity log

Expat experience

Since September 2021
Reggio Calabria, Calabria, Italy
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I am hoping to move to Calabria and enjoy the rest of my years exploring and my ancestral home. Living in Calabria has been a lifelong dream. Covid has put life in perspective. Tomorrow is not promised.

I am nervous about feeling awkward in a new country and not being fluent in the language but I am practicing daily.

Since January 1995
Ft Myers, USA
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We have lived in Ft Myers for many years, we built our house when our daughter was a toddler and had a great life here with a pool and great community. As we move closer to retirement I would love to fulfill my life long dream and move to Calabria.

I do not like what is happening in the states, I feel like the american dream of the early 1900's is long gone. I know I have a lot to be grateful for here but I am ready for a change.