Theresezeinoun Liban


Libanaise qui aimerait vivre en Thailande
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1 post sur le forum


I'm therese from Lebanon. I'm 20 y.o I need to leave my country please help me. You probably know what's going on in lebanon. I want to leave but i can't cause i don't have money (i barely get 200$ each month and it can barely provide us our basic necessities) I need someone to sponsor me and help me financially to get abroad and i can work for them. Anything. Any type of work i will do it please i can't take it anymore. I don't care which country but please take me away from here)

Je suis membre depuis le 16 Août 2020.

  • Je parle English
    Learning Thai Indonesian and Japanese
  • Dans la vie, j'aime earth science
Activité récente
  • Theresezeinoun
    a rejoint la communauté Bangkok

Mon parcours

J'aimerais y vivre
Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailande
J'y vis en ce moment
Ed Daoura, Mont-Liban, Liban