Forum posts
About me
Registration: 09 December 2007

Internet in UK ?
I'll relocate to London next month. I would like to suscribe to an Internet + unlimited phoning offer for my flat. Someone can explain to me the different existing offers. Does-it exists a pack which include unlimited phone + Internet and how much ... Read More

Registration of my 3-year-old daughter in a school in London
Hello, As you know it...:) My family and I will arrive from France to London at April 2008 because of a professionnel transfer. At present, I'm searching in London for a full time school/nursery/pré-school for my daughter of 3 years (since ... Read More

London : what is a "Nursery scool" ?
Hello, I will relocate to london on April 2008 and I'm looking for my child (3 years). It seems that in England school is mandatory at 5 years and it's free (in public sector). Unfortunately, not before 5 years! =( I read articles about "nursery ... Read More

Help to understand an IT contract based in London by dgoize
Hi, For an IT (Information Technology) job based in london, I have just received a proposition and the contract associated. But I see nothing in the contract concerning the pension scheme, the health-insurance... Moreover, I do not understand very ...

Concerning the notice period, I always thought that the UK market was very flexible and you could leave your job (or you can be fired) at anytime. Or it seems that I have a notice period of 3 months during the probatory period and 1 month after. ... Read More

Help to understand an IT contract based in London
Hi, For an IT (Information Technology) job based in london, I have just received a proposition and the contract associated. But I see nothing in the contract concerning the pension scheme, the health-insurance... Moreover, I do not understand very ... Read More